Microbits - Loops

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Computers repeat many executable statements, over, over , and over again. Rather than writing if statements over and over again we can put them into a loop.

While loop

A while loop is a statement that allows code to be executed repeatedly based on a given condition.

while (true) ⟵ while the statement is considered ‘true’

{do this} ⟵ then execute the commands in this bracket, and return to the ‘while’ statement

For Loop

A for loop is a statement that allows code to be executed a certain amount of times based on a given condition. This loop is a little strange, but it lets the program know in which iteration the loop is in.

Max number ⟵ the number of time the loop executes

Index (i) ⟵ the index will gain a value of 1 each time the loop runs

For (i < Max number) ⟵ while the statement is considered ‘true’, while index (i) is less than the number set to execute.

{do this} ⟵ then execute the commands in this bracket, increase index (i) by one, then return to the beginning of the ‘for’ statement

Check out the microbit page on loops here

Challenge 1

Program the microbit to count down from 5 to 0 using a while loop

Challenge 2

Program the microbit to count up from 0 to 5 using a for loop

Challenge 3

Program the microbit to count from 5 down to 0 if button ‘a’ is pressed, if button ‘b’ is pressed then the microbit will count up from 0 to 5

Creating a Reaction Time Program

Please watch the following video to program and assemble a reaction time robot.

You will need:

  • Tinfoil sheet

  • 3 x Alligator Clips

  • Microbit

  • Microbit battery

Use the following video for coding the Microbit: