VEX Robotics Programming

It looks tough, but it really ain’t!

In order for the robot to move and complete its goals the robot needs to be sent some instructions, here are a few things to remember:

  1. Expect for your program to fail, and fail, and fail some more — that’s totally normal!

  2. Patience is needed, you will eventually be successful

  3. Computers/robots are finicky they listen to exactly what you tell them, but sometimes the directions you give your robot is not what you imagined, it’s okay, you will be successful!

Using VEx Vr

This is where you will program your VR robot!

1. Head to

2. Create a new project

3. Click on the label ‘tutorials’ and complete all tutorial videos along with the tutorials

Screen Shot 2021-09-07 at 12.47.28 PM.png

4. After completing the tutorials try the coral reef cleanup activities:

Screen Shot 2021-09-07 at 12.50.14 PM.png

Using Vex IQ

1. Head to Vex IQ and download the chrome extension here

2. Click on the label ‘tutorials’ and complete all tutorial videos to figure out how to configure and connect the physical pieces of your robot.

3. Explore Vex IQ.

4. Write a simple “Hello World” program, and upload it to your robot. On your robot screen find your program and select the program to run it. Make sure your robot is plugged in to your computer via the usb connector.

8. Time to play, try different configurations, and different sensors, play! Have fun!